Need to Know about The new Libyan police law

The fourth meeting of the committee formed in accordance with the decision of the Minister of the Interior regarding studying all aspects related to granting...

The fourth meeting of the committee formed in accordance with the decision of the Minister of the Interior regarding studying all aspects related to granting permission to investigate members of the police force was held at the headquarters of the General Administration of Inspection and Follow-up at the Ministry of Interior.

During its meeting, the committee discussed what was reached in its previous meetings regarding the study and evaluation of immunity procedures and the conduct of the investigation with a member of the police force in accordance with the law and the procedures in force in this regard.

The committee stressed the need to produce concrete results that can be taken into account to ensure the enforcement of the law and what the matter requires in this regard, according to what the Ministry of Interior published on its official page.

The meeting was chaired by the Director of the General Department of Inspection and Follow-up, Brigadier Khamis Al-Harari, in his capacity as Chairman of the Committee, in the presence of the committee members, “a representative from the Office of the Minister, a representative from the Criminal Investigation Service, a representative from the Administrative Affairs Department at the Ministry of Interior, and a representative from the Ministry’s Legal Affairs Department,” in addition to the meeting’s rapporteur. Affiliated with the General Administration of Inspection and Follow-up.

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